Thursday, March 27, 2008

Bib. Retry

Although there are currently rules and regulations on commercial fishing, the government should increase enforcement because fish populations are being depleted, aquatic ecosystems are being destroyed, and those who depend on the fishing industry will suffer.

Jeantheau, Mark. “Pretty Mermaids Are Always Over Fishing For Compliments: The Causes and Effects of Overfishing.” Grinning Planet. Published May 7, 2005.

Grinning planet is an organization that takes a look at environmental issues from a little lighter side. They use family-friendly jokes and cartoons to spread the message about different issues. Mixed in with the jokes are serious articles such as this one about the cause and effect of overfishing. This article will be useful for me because it breaks the topic of overfishing down to a problem and a solution.

Nuttall, Nick. “Overfishing: A Threat to Marine Biodiversity.” 10 Stories the World Should Hear More About. United Nations. Published in 2006.

I thought this would be a good article to read because it actually comes from the UN. The story falls under the organization’s, “10 Stories the World Should Hear More About.” I thought this would be a great way to back up my opinion, and the article states a few good facts as well. It talks a lot about the impact overfishing will have on the “200 million people” that rely on fish for livelihood and food security.

“Problems: Poorly Managed Fishing.” World Wildlife Foundation. Updated February 29, 2008.

I liked this site because one, it was from the World Wild Life Foundation, and two, it is packed with tons of facts that I will be able to use to back up my opinion. I also liked the fact that the site is well organized and is easy to read. They state a few straight forward facts, such as “ technological advances that have made large-scale fishing easier.” The cool thing is that there is a hyperlink on the words “technological advances” that takes me to a whole other article about technological advances of fishing boats.

“Overfishing.” Alaska Oceans Program. Alaska Conservation Foundation. Copyrighted 2005.

This site was good for me because it has to do specifically with the overfishing problem in Alaska. I am hoping to be able to talk a little bit about the fishing problems in Alaska, and this will probably turn out to be a great source for that. The article delves into the history of Alaska commercial fishing, and also gives 3 different deffinitions of overfishing; one political, one legal, and one scientific.

“Overfishing.” Greenpeace International. Copyrighted 2007.

One of the best things about the topic I am doing is that there are a lot of articles from major organizations that I will be able to support my argument with. This article is no different. It comes from the Greenpeace Organization, and is a little smaller than most of the other articles, but is filled with facts. One of the key points in this article is the example of cod fishing off of Canada, which has gone through a major decline in the last few years.

Durst, Sidra. “Problem no. 6: Overfishing. Kona Blue’s Deep-ocean Aquaculture Could Help Save Declining Fish Populations.” Business 2.0 Magazine. CNN. January 26, 2007.

This was a neat article from a contributor I would have never thought of (thanks Google!). It actually came from CNN’s Money section, and it talks about the effect overfishing will have on the fishing economy. I liked this article because rather than concentrate only on the negative, it talks mostly about the solution to the problem. I will definitely fit this somewhere into my paper!

“FEATURE: Overfishing turns the Mediterranean into a barren sea.” International News Service in English. Copyright 2006.

This article is from the International News Service and is about the depleting number of fish in the Mediterranean Sea. There were a couple of interesting things that I would like to take out of the article. One of the pieces I want to use is the article talking about how a lot of the smaller fishing vessels realize that something needs to be done, where the larger fishing companies only see the sea as a source of money.

Tao, Kenny. “Fishing in the North Atlantic: What’s Left?” University of California, Irvine. 1998.

This is actually an essay by Kenny Tao, and it comes from the University of California, Irvine. I haven’t gotten the chance to read all of the essay yet, but Mr. Tao has included some very good information including statistics, quotes, and even a few graphs. His paper is focused on the North Atlantic, and I am sure I will find many good facts I can use for my paper.

Dauphin Island Sea Lab. "Coral Reef Decline - Not Just Overfishing." ScienceDaily. 31 August 2005.

This is an article from the publication, “Science Daily.” the title of the article is “Coral Reef Decline - Not Just Overfishing.” As the title suggests, the article talks more about the damage to coral reefs due to global warming, overfishing, and coral disease. I definitely want to talk about the coral reefs in my paper, and this will be a good source for that.

Journeymanpictures. “Overfishing - USA.” Journeyman Pictures. Accessed via Youtube. Oct. 2003.

This is an interesting video titled “Over Fishing - USA.” I clicked on the video and was happy to find out that the video is actually focused on overfishing in Alaska. They talked a lot about the Stellar Sea Lions and their depletion due to the fact that their food source is being wiped out by large fishing vessels.

Hilborn, Ray. “Managing fisheries is managing people: what has been learned?” Fish and Fisheries 8 . Dec. 2007. p285–296.

This was a section out of the book, Fish and Fisheries 8 which was published in December 2007. In the text, Hilborn talks about ways to get fishermen to stop overfishing. I would like to use this text to help talk about ways of changing our current fishing problems.

T. E. LAUER, J. C. DOLL, P. J. ALLEN, B. BREIDERT, J. PALLA (2008) Changes in yellow perch length frequencies and sex ratios following closure of the commercial fishery and reduction in sport bag limits in southern Lake Michigan
Fisheries Management and Ecology, pg. 15

In 1997 a commercial fishery on Lake Michigan was closed down. This article was from a study that a group of people did on the fishery over the last 10 years. Their study showed that there was an increase in the average size of yellow perch after the closure. I would Like to use this as evidence that it’s not too late to do something about overfishing.

Smulyan, Mariltn H. “Making Waves For a Healthy Ocean.” Bay Nature. Dec 2007. p34-40.

This article is by Mariltn, who talks about the importance of protecting the Bay Area in San Fransisco. She talks about a few difference aspects of saving the bay, and the one I focused on was titled, “Restoring fisheries and saving ecosystems.” In this section she talks about a Protection Act passed by Legislature in 1999. She also talks about the current biological condition of the area.

Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council. “2008 Commercial Fishing Regulations for Gulf of Mexico Federal Waters.” January 2008.

This is a PDF of a commercial fishing pamphlet from the Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council. I will be using this as a reference to some of the areas fishing regulations and rules.

Williams, Nigel. “Overfishing disrupts entire ecosystems.” Science. February 1998. p279:809-810.

This is an article by Nigel Williams which appeared in the February 1998 issue of Science. In the article he talks about how more protected areas need to be created in order to save the ocean’s ecosystems. I will use this article in talking about how current fishing limitations aren’t good enough.

Raloff, Janet. “How Low Will We Go in Fishing for Dinner?” Science News. 1998. p98.

This article appeared in the Science News Journal in 1998. The article talks about how some fish have been already fished out, and now other types of fish are being depleted in their places. I will use this to talk about how the overfishing problem effects all fish, not just certain types.

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