Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Grammar Girl Response: Episode 45

For episode number 45, Grammar Girl talks about the over use of commas. When I first started reading the article, it brought a smile to my face because I know I am very guilty of that particular crime. I don't know if it's something that I have always done, or if it is a habit that I just recently got in to. For this entire school year I have noticed that I use a lot of commas, but when I would look over my papers it seemed like they were in the right places. After reading Grammar Girls article however, I realize that I am in fact using them far too often.

I thought the article was good because it made me realize that I do use commas too much, but I was hoping that Grammar Girl would have had more tips in recognizing those excessive commas. She explains when you should and shouldn’t use them, but doesn’t really give tips on how to spot them once they’re already there - which is what I have the biggest problems with.

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