Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Plagiarism assignment.

The plagiarism and paraphrasing pages that were assigned were very good learning tools for people who don't know what plagiarism and paraphrasing are. I know that I could have used these references back when I was in high school because the teachers all made plagiarism sound like you only got in trouble if you copy and pasted someone's work. I would be guilty of taking someone’s written work and changing a few thing here or there or changing the order of the ideas, but only because I didn't realize that it was still plagiarism. I finally learned the correct way to put information in my papers when I was in my junior year of high school, and my teacher made us do an assignment much like this one. Since then, I like to think I do a pretty good job of getting information out of resources without committing plagiarism...and I "promise to NEVER EVER do it." (Sullivan)

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